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This blog is born from my desire to share the architectural beauty that surrounds us. Yes, I’m an architect, but this is not a website exclusively for architects; it is open to anyone who appreciates the cultural diversity of this world.
I’m Silvia, a young Italian with a major in Architecture and a passion for traveling and photography. One of the main inspirations for my travels has always been an interest in the local, traditional and regional culture, and Architecture represents one of the most tangible expressions.
I have always found it extremely fascinating how a house, a universal concept, can be constructed a thousand different ways, but still remains in essence a house. The various parts of a building can be transformed, beautified or reinvented, to represent a distinct cultural identity. It’s intriguing to witness how architecture has changed according to places and needs, and how popular wisdom always finds the answers to the demands of human life.
I hope this blog will inspire people to travel, understanding and appreciating the local architectural heritage of the amazing places that architects without a name have designed around the world.
Have a great architectural journey!